Summer School with Debby Hughes


Hello and welcome to the last day of summer school! I can’t believe how quickly the past week went! We hope you enjoyed all of the inspiration and ideas that our amazing teachers shared all week! There were so many great ideas of fun ways to use the new Teacher’s Pet collection! I can’t wait to make lunchbox notes and teachers cards this year!

Before we say goodbye to another year of summer school, we have one more amazing teacher with us today. Please welcome Mrs. Debby Hughes to the class to share an awesome school themed project with you!


Hi, Debby here and so excited to be joining you today for Summer School! I’m delighted that my youngest son will have a male teacher for the coming school year so I wanted to give today’s project a masculine edge. The new Hey Teacher stamp set and Teacher dies were just perfect for keeping things clean and simple – just like the guys like, right?

The main focus of the card is a blackboard created using the new Frames dies from the recent This is The Life release. The Frames dies cut a centerpiece and also a great little frame edge too. I cut the smallest frame in the set from Khaki and Black card and white heat embossed the ‘World’s Best’ from Hey Teacher before giving it the chalkboard look with some Unicorn ink. The ruler from the Hey Teacher set is stamped in Memento tuxedo black, Copic colored and trimmed out and acts as a base for the fabulous Teacher die-cut, which was cut from Lipstick Red card. The Frames dies came into their own again to cut two patterned paper pieces to mat to the Khaki card base.


To accompany the card, I made two more frames and added one to a ruled Moleskine notebook and the other to a humorous book on children’s silly written mistakes (Blackboard Blunders). I must admit that the blackboard cover of this book drew me to it but it is also a fun read.


I can’t believe that the schools here go back in little over a week so I better crack on with all those jobs that need doing before then and getting the school uniform up to date is top of the list; I’m sure the summer sun makes them grow a few inches each year! Have fun and enjoy what’s left of your summer although if you are like me then secretly you look forward to the new school year and all those brand new jotters and cute stationary!

I actually made a video of my project, gasp I know LOL. I really should make more videos and I’m glad that for today I managed to get my act in gear. ;)

Summer School wouldn’t be complete without the chance to win some crafty school supplies, right!?


Just leave a comment on this post telling us one of your favorite memories from school! Was it a special teacher or friend, or an awesome achievement that made you really proud! We can’t wait to hear!

Leave your comment here by August 10, 2014 and we’ll randomly select a winner to win the prize pack shown above!

Thank you so much for joining us for summer school this year!


  1. These cards are wonderful! My favorite memories are those around the fall/winter months where activities were just plain fun and not so drawn out and political.

  2. Love what you did here!

    I loved school, so there are a lot of favorite memories, but the one that comes to mind is a time I asked my 6th grade English teacher about the order of definitions in a dictionary. His response was to take me to the pay phone in the school lobby and call the dictionary publisher with me to ask. He was an extraordinary teacher and I have a number of other great memories of him & his impact on me.

  3. My favorite memories were the incredible friends I made and how we really played outside whenever we had a break. Very different from all the technology we see now, we actually spoke with our friends face to face!!!

  4. I loved school and had a favorite teacher who really inspired me. Wish I could tell her. It was my math teacher Mrs. Freeman.

  5. Any teacher would love this card! Great job, Debby. My favorite memory of school is being on the volleyball team. We traveled to other schools to play and made so many great friends. It was a wonderful bonding, team experience.

  6. I love love love the blackboard frame! So adorable!!

    I had a teacher in high school who is literally the reason I am who I am today. I was made fun of a lot in high school. People would trip me, throw things at me, and laugh at me. My chemistry teacher took me under his wing and helped me through. I owe everything to him!

  7. Your son’s teacher is going to love these goodies! Lucky guy! My favourite school memory is my grade 5 year. Great teacher and so many fun times!

  8. Such a cool project. I love it! One of the most memorable times for me was being part of the Microbiology Club in college. We were a pretty tight-knit group and had so much fun together :)

  9. Love your card! I loved the first day of school. Meeting my teacher and being able to see my friends again.

  10. I love all the colors of the rainbow. When my first grandchild was born, parents said they didn’t want gender associated colors. They wanted to use all the colors of the rainbow. This has definitely changed my personal expressing. I was previously stuck on favs.

    1. Oops! Forgot to include my favorite memory! My favorite memory of school was swim practice! – the smell of chlorine always brings a smile to my face!

  11. What a nice card today! In high school, I had a history teacher that would act out the things we were learning.

  12. My best memory from school was my best friend Christina! She was so supportive and we had really great times together. These cards are super easy to make in large quantities. Thanks so much for sharing. Happy crafting!

  13. I think I fondly remember the notes we passed in class that we had folded so very neatly into the shape of a triangle.

  14. I remember winning a trophy in 4th grade for reading the most books during the school year. I had my eyes on that trophy all year long and I won it. I was so thrilled!

  15. Super card & tutorial. Thanks.
    I loved going back to school. I loved the smell of the new text books, and notebooks. I’d rush home where my crafty mom, would haul out leftover rolls of wallpaper, and we’d handmake wallpaper book covers for all my text books. Those were the days!

  16. I don’t have any favorite memories of school. I’m just glad I’m out of school and so are my kids!!

  17. Love the chalkboards! Definitely something I’ll have to “borrow” for a future project!

    My favorite memories of school all revolve around one special teacher who taught me to love math at an early age. (Hard to do with me!) She always used skittles to help illustrate the problems (and then I got to eat them!). She’s the reason I went to school to be a teacher!

  18. My favorite memories are shopping for back to school supplies! Love the smell of a fresh box of crayons!

  19. Love all the cards today! My favorite class in school was jewelry making. Fun to make gifts for people!

  20. I love these labels you created. This book/journal and card are gorgeous. It’s hard to say what my favourite memory from school is. I loved school and especially the beginning of a new school year – meeting up with friends again, new school supplies, new teachers………:)

  21. I love your masculine teacher card today. Great that your son has a male teacher this year. I happened to run into my teacher in college who encouraged my writing, it was so nice to thank her for her encouragement. Good moment.

  22. What a fabulous ensemble for a male teacher. I love the delicate border on the frame, great dies! One of my favourite teacher memories was a study in song lyrics. Each class member chose a song and analyzed the lyrics. Mine was quite debated and the teacher, a Mr., really gave me kudos for my interpretation!

  23. I love your projects!! I don’t have just one favorite memory of school, I loved everything about school!!

  24. This is a great idea! Love Debby’s work. The Summer School projects this week make me wish I had kids in school, I wish we’d had all of these supplies when my kids were in school.
    Thanks for the ideas.

  25. the whole project is so cute!
    i had a great time in school and have many memories of friends who made it special. till date, we are friends!

  26. Fantastic card! I have the best memories of elementary school. I had great teachers, lots of friends, and my mom was a room mother.

  27. I had the best french class in high school. We ate a lot of french food and watch old French films and listen to 60’s rock music.

  28. Debby is a master at creating beautiful, little collages and mixing elements in cohesive, pleasing style. Look, she just did it again.

  29. What a treat to get a video from Debby, I love her voice and her card and tags are awesome. I just heard that my junior high councilor passed away and that made me think of just seeing his smiling face in the hall every day and how he was always happy-even when surrounded by teenagers.

  30. I love these projects so much! One of my favorite school memories is of my junior high English teacher reading The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings series to us. I’ve always loved reading but she read the stories in such a way that made the characters come alive and I developed such a rich appreciation for the written word because of her passion.

  31. One of my favorite memories was when my high school Biology teacher took the class camping for a weekend, not something a city girl like me had ever done.

    Love the card and gifts!

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