A Look at CHA 2016!


Hi friends! We thought you might enjoy a virtual tour of the 2016 CHA trade show! Grab a yummy beverage, sit back and enjoy!


Blog Candy Alert!! Follow our blog via email and comment on this post with what you’re most excited for from CHA for a chance to win a special blog candy!

Congrats! Blog Candy Winners!

From: Weekender with Wanda – Taylored Expressions treats!: Leslie Klow!
From: Mommy Lhey is getting us organized!: Jan Ocampo!
From: Layers of Love: Cherise Leo!

Please email [email protected] with your mailing address (if applicable), the name of the blog you won from, and the prize you won to claim your prize!

  1. Thanks so much for the tour! I saw I lot of things that I liked but to name just one, those distress crayons looked pretty cool.

  2. So many new things to look at, but I’m really excited about always the new Lawn Fawn items and those art deco shinny papers look very cool too! :) Wish I could’ve been there!

  3. Oh, wow, I’m excited over everything! The distress crayons, the glitter dust, the new dies and stamps…I fell in love with the A Little Birdie Told Me stamp!! :)

  4. Will definitely be buying Lawn Fawn to add to my collection. And, Prima Marketing, LOVE Julie Nutting’s doll stamps (need more)!!! And, Taylored Expressions…more stamps and dies!!!!
    Thanks so much for sharing the video with us. What fun it would be to actually go to one of the shows. I would be ‘star struck’!!!! =) As you are all stars to me!!!

  5. Thanks for the tour….looks like I should probably just sign over my paycheck to you guys because I see sooooo much good stuff I want, lol!!’ Can’t wait till it comes in the shop!

  6. That was eye-candy at its finest! I wanted to freeze every frame so as not to miss a single thing. Thank you for a great start to my morning with this cheerful video!

  7. Thanks for a great virtual tour of CHA (and great varied background music).. One of the products I have on my wishlist is the Picket Fence ink pad from Ranger. Also, though not shown on your video, is the Tammy Tutterow product line through Spellbinders.

  8. What a GREAT video you captured all kinds of crafty goodness! Love all the new stamps and papers! I am excited to check out Tim’s new crayons and his cart!

  9. I didn’t think I needed the Distress Watercolor Crayons, but the properties are so interesting. I think they will be in my cart, along with the Ranger Collage Medium and a brush.

  10. That was a fantastic tour, and so many goodies to see. Tim Holtz distress crayons and
    the glitter looked great.

  11. What a fun trade show! Who wouldn’t want to go there? Lots of new goodies, poor pocketbook…and do I really need the Distress Crayons? Thinking on that! :)

  12. Loving all of the bird and nature stamps, wonderful colours, and Tim Holtz tools! I may as well declare myself as bankrupt lol! Wish I could win the lotto and then be able to buy all of the lovely new products. I know what I want for my birthday now, lol, and that’s not until June. TFS Karen x

  13. Wow! I love all things Doodlebug Design, love all the colors. Also excited to see the Distress Glitter Dust.

  14. Too hard to choose just one thing I’m overly excited about! I guess I’d have to say the distress crayons. Love the entire distress line and have always loved crayons…..best of both worlds for me ♥

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