Sunshine is Coming


Hi readers! Happy Saturday! We have a special Saturday treat for you! The awesome and always inspiring Jennifer McGuire has done a special card for us today! This is one of my favorite stamp sets! Don’t forget to check out the video below too, and like it on our Youtube channel.



Watch the video:


Thanks for reading today, and a big thanks to Jennifer for being our guest!

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  1. This is a very complex and cool card! Anyone would love to receive it and I loved watching Jennifer work her magic , turning simple items into a treasure. I especially loved how she cut and coated the word “sunshine” and made it special. Wonderful work, Jennifer!

  2. So in love with this everything about it…and also they way you decide what to do…I am changing my mind during the process of making often too…..

  3. Loved the video! I really like how the card evolved as you went along and you changed a few things – I do that all the time too. I got some great ideas and techniques I haven’t tried – thank you! So glad I watched the video!

  4. As usual, another wonderful card and video. I always feel that you tell me everything I need to know to recreate your card. Thanks so much.

  5. Always love Jennifer’s cards and I have the supplies for this one, so I’m definitely going to make it.

  6. You always have just the right amount of stuff on you card to make them beautiful. Love this one!

  7. Such a pretty card. Just love all the layers and how you created the background with the stencils and the pigment ink and embossing glitter.

  8. Hi Jennifer wow your card is fantabulous!! *yep I have my own dictionary probably you’ve never heard of it as it’s the SuperKlutz book of great adjectives!! (LOL)* anywho love your card and all of your amazing techniques you always leave me in awe of what you come up with. Lucky person who gets this card….what a keepsake….heck I feel this way about every single thing you create.
    I’d have my walls papered in Jennifer Mcguire it’d definitely be a conversation starter!!
    YOU ROCK!!

  9. Great card! Love all the dimension and glittery pieces. I always enjoy Jennifer’s videos and as usual, I learned a few new tricks! Thanks for sharing. AJ@queenofmynest

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