Stretch Your Stamps 2 Class Giveaway!


On this post for a chance to win a FREE spot in class! If you win, but have already registered, your fees will be refunded to you. Winner will be announced soon!


Look at your stamps in a whole new way! Back by popular demand, join Online Card Classes for another great installment of Stretch Your Stamps!

Join instructors Kristina Werner, Jennifer McGuire, Debby Hughes, and friends, to discover just how far you can stretch your stamps—whether you’re an expert stamper or just getting started! In Stretch Your Stamps 2, you’ll learn how particular styles of stamps can be used in a variety of creative ways to expand your card-making skills.

Over the course of this two-week session, you’ll be introduced to techniques and concepts through expert instructor videos, and then build on your new knowledge with the help of inspiring guest artist examples. Stretch Your Stamps 2 includes:

  • 30+ videos with cards!
  • 10+ cards with step-by-step photos!
  • They will be using 9 specific stamp sets in class. All cards feature one of the 9 stamp sets. Students DO NOT need the specific stamps. See the Supply List area below for more info.
  • PDFs with written instructions that you can print and have on-hand.
  • A forum for discussion between students and teachers (open now, archived for your reference on August 22, 2014).
  • A student gallery for sharing your work (open now, archived for your reference on August 22, 2014).
  • Shopping discounts to online stores during class.
  • A well-paced schedule with videos and additional examples on alternating days.

NOTE: You DO NOT need to take Stretch Your Stamps 1 to enjoy this class. Stretch Your Stamps 2 has all new videos, cards, and ideas!


Types of stamps explored in class:

  • Background Stamps
  • Reverse Background Stamps
  • Alphabet Stamps
  • Sentiment Stamps
  • Outline Stamps
  • Graphic Stamps
  • Floral Stamps
  • Floral Builder Stamps
  1. Oh my, I would love to get in on this class! Love all the Stamping Divas that are teaching this class so I know I would learn so much. I keep buying stamps and I need some stamping mojo on how to use them more frequently. Thanks for the giveaway!!

  2. Looks like a super fun class! That navy floral card is totally catching my eye and I would love to see them all fully revealed. ;)

  3. I took the STENCIL class and loved it! Yesterday I purchased the WATERCOLOR class….need to watch as soon as I can. Would really love to get this as a “gift” because right now it doesn’t fit into my budget! LOL

  4. Can’t wait for this to start even though I’ll be at a conference when it does. I’m so looking forward to getting home and binge watching/crafting!

  5. I’ve never taken a card class but would love to start. All the designers are amazing and you can learn so much from each of them. Thank you for this amazing opportunity!

  6. This looks like a fun stamping class and I would love to win a spot, thank you for the chance to win.

  7. I would love to win a spot on this class. I have taken few classes before and they have all been amazing. Thanks for the chance to win :)

  8. I would love to win a seat in this class, I have wanted to sign up for several classes but never have it in the budget. Thanks for this fantastic chance

  9. I would be thrilled to win a spot in this class. Everything I have ever taken from OCC has been fantastic and I could certainly use some help stretching my stamps! Thanks for the chance to win.

  10. I have already signed up for this class and I can’t wait until it starts. I have taken every one since they started several years ago (I think that 21 or 22 classes) and I highly recommend them for anyone interested in card making. These classes are great for either brand new or seasoned crafters.

  11. I’m planning on taking advantage of this weekend’s OCC flash sale to catch up on last classes and am hoping to take part in this upcoming class also…Thanks for the chance to win!!

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