Shipping update

Dear Crafty Friends,

Thank you so much for your continued support. We love getting your creative juices flowing with the amazing talent of our designers and guest designers on our blog! In light of the COVID-19 epidemic, our state of Ohio is under a Stay at Home Order, effective 11:59pm on March 23, 2020 through 11:59pm on May 1, 2020, unless otherwise modified.  

We are still accepting orders and processing payments.  While we cannot at this time promise you a ship date, we do promise to reopen our warehouse operation as soon as we are permitted and pledge to continue to abide by all safety recommendations from our Government.  Our Customer Service team will continue to work from home to support you and will be available to answer any questions you have during their regularly-scheduled hours of operation.

We value your business and appreciate your understanding during this worldwide tragedy.   We are aware that you have other options and some companies in our industry are either not under a Stay at Home Order or have decided to ignore their mandate.  We firmly believe that we are not only doing this for our employees, but doing this as our civic duty to our beloved healthcare workers, those people who are at high risk, and for the good of ALL.

We will continue to post inspiration on our blog and through our social media channels. Thank you, now more than ever, for your support!

Heidi Crowl
Founder of Simon Says Stamp. Mommy of two fun(ny) kiddos, forever mom to our pup Simon who sadly passed over the Rainbow bridge, and a new mom to our family protector German Shepherd. Lover of all things art, craft, and stamp related. Goofball at heart.
  1. Thanks for the update. Your team’s safety and health are the most important thing. We will be here for you when you open back up, for sure!
    Stay well.

  2. I’m glad your first priority is taking care of your employees. I love ordering from Simon and will patiently await my orders (yes, orderS :)). Love you guys, stay safe!

    1. Thank you Kim for your support and understanding. We firmly believe that we are not only doing this for our employees, but doing this as our civic duty to our beloved healthcare workers, those people who are at high risk, and for the good of ALLl.

  3. We appreciate the update and even though I’ll miss receiving my “stuff” it is far more important that you stay well and safe so we can enjoy our “stuff” after this is all over!

  4. Thank you for the update. I love your company especially since it is local. I’m here in Columbus under the “stay at home” as well. Do what you need to do to keep your employees safe and to comply with the order. We will be here when you get back. SSS is always my #1 company when it is time to place an order.

  5. HI Carole! GO BUCKS Thank you so much for your support and understanding. I firmly believe that we are not only doing this for our employees, but doing this as our civic duty to our beloved healthcare workers, those people who are at high risk, and for the good of ALL.

  6. I am so glad that a company that I love and give my business too, is taking the safety of its employees and the community, and our very important health care workers. Stay Safe!

  7. We completely understand! And a great big thank you for getting the orders I placed yesterday out in the mail so quickly! I’ll have them during shutdown!!! Amazing job!

  8. Thank you! Simon is my go to company. You have done so much for crafters – and now for your employees and community. We will be crafting away out here and wishing safety and health.

  9. I just received an email that my most recent order had been shipped and I thank you! I want to say that by complying with the stay at home order you’re doing the right thing to help keep everyone safe and to help slow this virus! Thank you for continuing to provide us with inspiration during this time because being creative is good for the soul!
    Take care and be well!

  10. Thank you! I’m disappointed at not being able to get wonderful new things right away, I really appreciate what you are doing ! I just found you a few months ago, but love your company!

  11. Thank you, Heidi, for doing your part in flattening the curve. Stay Home! Stop the Spread! Save Lives!

  12. Heidi and team, wishing each of you and your families and other loved ones in your lives to be safe and healthy! Don’t worry about us. We will all be happy to shop once again when the time is right.

  13. Thank you for making difficult, but responsible decisions. You have my respect and my shopping loyalty. In looking forward to getting past this scary pandemic, I see an opportunity to be more grateful and to appreciate those who have stepped up with the care and compassion and dedication to get us there. You and your company are in that group.

  14. Thanks for taking care of your crew. Please don’t reopen until you’re sure it’s safe. Late arrival is much better than a “late staffer”.

  15. Thank you so much (as the wife of someone who works at a hospital her in Australia). I will gladly wait & definitely be ordering when you re-open. You guys take care of your family (both home & work). God bless & stay safe.

  16. Standing with your decision! Love your company and will look forward to buisness reopening again in the hopefully ..near future.
    We are on the Stay at Home order here on O’ahu till April 30th.
    Videos are a great way to keep inspired! Thanks for all you do !

  17. Just a shout out to you guys! I love your “store” and blog and follow it everyday I am off! Thank you for your hard work! I work in the health industry so I see first hand how hard this is hitting some people. Be sure I will keep a list of stuff and as soon as your back up and running I will submit an order! I am going to get carry-out today to help support my local restaurants!

  18. Thank you for your preventive measures! I can certainly wait to put my orders in. The time will come when this is behind us and we’ll pick up the pieces. Hopefully that will be soon. Please take care ♡

  19. Just curious, were you able to mail out our card hits before this new mandate? Totally understand if you weren’t able, I just don’t want to pounce on my mail person everyday if not. Stay safe all, and stay crafty ❤️

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