NEW RELEASE: Pure Sunshine 2014 Blog Hop!


We are so excited to share the newest Simon Says Stamp release: Pure Sunshine!  To date, I feel like this is definitely our “sunniest” and most cheerful release.  These days I like to put sunshine and rainbows on most all of my cards and doodling.  Over the weekend, I created a rainbow by running ink pads across a canvas (you can see it on our instagram ;)  Bright, cheerful colors and images are such a welcomed sense of happy in the day.  Don’t you just love the sunny possibilities in the designs?


To celebrate this newest release, we would love it if you would ‘hop’ along with us while we share the delightful projects showcasing our newest stamps, dies and stencils!

There have been a lot of changes for me professionally lately.  Change is hard and it seems it gets harder with age.  Do you find that too?  We’ve been working through a beautiful new website, but so many methods of doing things have been changed.  We are learning new systems from the ground up.  It’s for the better, but I won’t lie…it’s been hard.  The cheerfulness of this release has really given me something to look forward to.  I have leaned a lot on the people around me to be a rock during this hard time.  Jason, my hubby and business partner, has been a rock (he’s been such a rock throughout our marriage).   But one person in particular has really helped me (and the business) a lot!  … ironically, she created the card below

It is so fun to see how designers create with new products! Stephanie Klauck used the new Irregular Dots stencil and Tiny Tag Words stamp set to create this fun card. Don’t you just love how she used the stencil to mimic rocks on her card to go with the sentiment!?  Check out how she used black cardstock  to make the front of the card really pop.


We’re so excited to hear what you think of the new products! Now let’s get hopping!

Simon Says Stamp
Shari Carroll
Kristina Werner
Jennifer McGuire
Nichol Magouirk
Debby Hughes
Laura Bassen
Stephanie Klauck
Laurie Willison
Kathy Racoosin
Lucy Abrams
Amy Kolling
Lisa Addesa
Suzanne Dahlberg
Sarah Moerman


Simon Says Stamp is giving away a goody bag at every stop on the hop!! That’s 15 chances to win! ;)


Just leave a comment on each of the blog posts (including this one!) as you hop along to be entered in the random drawings.  We would love to hear what kinds of things brighten your day!  Hearing my son make my daughter laugh is a gleeful sound to my heart.  The giveaways will stay open until Thursday May 22, 2014 at 6:00pm EST and the winners will be announced on the Simon Says Stamp blog on Friday May 23, 2014.

Happy hopping! ;)

*Note: there will be no Color Coordinates post today.  We will resume the regular Friday Color Coordinates series next Friday.

  1. Well I SINCERELY thank you for making the change over on the site, it is 1000 times easier to shop and find things. I’ve already placed three orders, and I know for a fact I wouldn’t have with the old site because I couldn’t see the images well enough to know if I wanted them (zoom feature). And there’s so many other well thought out things that make it all flow so smooth! So thank you for that, again :) What makes me smile is when my 6 year old (without being asked!!!) decides to kiss me on the cheek for no reason at all. She RARELY does that, so it’s a huge bright spot in my day! LOVE the new release btw!

  2. What brightens my day is seeing my son come into his own. I have been diagnosed with a terminal illness so spending time with him has become more precious. on a lighter note I love the new releases, they really spark my creative juices!!!

  3. WOW! Love all of the new release! The web site is such a super improvement. Before I could not get order confirmation or order shipped emails and now………..well Simon Says Stamps simply ROCKS!

    I am soooooooooooo looking forward to the event in Columbus May 30th and 31st. So glad that I can be a part of this wonderful event.

    Thank you Simon Says Stamps!

  4. i have been to all the blogs, now it’s time for me to comment: WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW! i love everything (well, i’m not fond of fairy tale princesses’, but i better start, since i have two granddaughters now)!

  5. another reason for retail therapy….. i’m never going to go on withdrawal if wonderful products such as these keep coming up… thank you for keeping me sane (or not?)…:) love sss

  6. Love the release. We could all use more sunshine in our lives. Can’t wait to hop the blog :)

  7. I have to agree that the new release is full of ‘Happy’. I have been drooling over it for from the moment I saw the catalog! Wish I could just take the whole lot! My two kids are the ‘sunshine’ of my life and I always smile when I watch them play with my husband. The three of them are my whole world!

  8. There is something so lovely about a young dog tormenting an alpha dog, that it just makes me smile and brightens my day. Also, seeing all of the creations by your design team.

  9. Have just recently discovered SSS and love your products. Thanks for the sunshine in this release!

  10. Two squirrels playing in my backyard brightened my day, And all these new Simon Says Stamp products did their part, too! Thanks for the blog hop – getting ready to check out all the new awesomeness from my favorite bloggers. :-)

  11. Loving this release. Lots of elegance and whimsy to please many occasions and styles. After two days of rain and hazardous driving conditions, listening to my husband’s jokes and witty puns makes me laugh, Also, sharing time with our granddaughter, hearing her laugh and sing and use her unique vocabulary is a blast. Happy SSS blog hoping. Cheers!

  12. It always makes me smile, when my cats have fun playing, running around making funny sounds of joy or chasing their tail :)

    BTW – great release!

  13. I am a newbie to Simon Says Stamps. Wow!!!! I am so excited to use these products. Thanks for all of the ideas!

  14. Great blog hop. What brightens my day is seeing all these great ideas and what really would make my day would be to win a prize! Thanks for the chance.

  15. I am really looking forward to this new collection. Love rainbows! Especially after this long winter!!

  16. I love all of the updates on the site! It always brightens my day when my little black rescue cat jumps up on my lap and starts purring! :)

  17. I love, love, love all of the new pretty dies and stamps premiering on the new release! I see a lot of goodies that will have to make it onto my next order!

  18. wohoooooooooooooo new goodies to play with, each and every one more awesome than the other love them all specially the rock stamp set love it

  19. Great blog hop and great release! After a long day at work, coming home and crafting really brightens my day! Thanks!!!

  20. The new release is totally awesome. Checked out all the designer blogs and really saw a lot of beauty!

  21. We all appreciate your hard work and I really enjoyed this hop, this release has some really great stuff. Thanks for all you do to inspire card makers.

  22. Thinking about my children (both are away at college) brings sunshine to my days. Also, now being retired, going to my studio and creating is such a wonderful thing. I love SSS and have been a dedicated follower and customer for quite some time. Thank you for all your hard work.

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