Mixed Media Artist: Tracy Scott


Hi readers! Happy Sunday to you! If you are drooling… then you aren’t too different from me! The fearless use of bold color and design by Tracy Scott isn’t too hard to become mesmerized by, and I find myself in awe of all of the elements of layering texture and patterns. I asked Tracy to pick a few of her favorites for us to share on the blog today, and wow, do these pack a punch!

Take a moment to enjoy these fabulous pieces, and be sure to pop by Tracy’s Facebook page (My Mixed Media Journey) for even more inspiration! Recognize that cute little birdie below? It IS a part of the Scribbly Birds stamp set!


My name is Tracy Scott and I am a UK mixed media artist from South East London. I’ve been creating pretty much all my life and have tried it all but discovered my true passion for Art Journalling and Mixed Media 18 months ago and have been completely obsessed ever since.
I love nothing more that getting inky and messy and trying out new techniques and of course it’s all about the colours! I love to create bright exciting pages and canvases and adore using acrylic paints which are my main go to medium!! I’ve started teaching in the last year at Dyan Reaveley‘s studio at Art From The Heart in the UK and absolutely love to share a little bit of creative knowledge and enthusiasm with fellow artists.
Do I consider myself an artist ???……. Well of course I do !!!….we are all artists in our own right, if you create then you ARE an Artist, if you use your imagination to create something that pleases you, then you ARE an Artist, and if you are fortunate enough for other people to like your art too then that is just the icing on the cake !!!
I feel like the last year has been a whirlwind of activity in my mixed media journey and look forward to what the future holds.
Thanks for reading today, and thanks to Tracy for allowing us to feature her beautiful work on our blog!


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  1. Love the collection. they are bright and vibrant. Great to be able to add whatever you want – as you want – without being restrained by “rules”.
    thanks for sharing.

  2. Wowzers! I’ve never seen so much colorful beauty all in one place! Fantastic creations, Tracy! I’m definitely inspired…need to learn to do this. Looks like LOTS of fun!

  3. Wow! These journal pages are amazing. The bold, bright colors make you happy just to look at them.

  4. These are absolutely amazing. Love the colors, the images, the doodling …. everything about them. I must try my hand at this now. TFS

  5. I love. The world of mixed media. I usually work on canvas. All of the projects yo day are very creative and beautiful.

  6. Wow, the vibrancy of these painting is stunning, I love them and I LOVE my Dyan Reaveley paints too.

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