We are IN STITCHES Over This Fabulous New Release!

Hi Friends!  Have you been inspired by the stitches trend?  WE SURE ARE!  Our dear friend, Jennifer McGuire requested a series of stitched products  and we worked to bring them to life!  These are ideal for creating shaker card frames!  Be sure to check out her “My Favorite Crafty Things” Series which is going to start any day now.  It’s a highly anticipated list of her – yep, you guessed it – FAVORITE CRAFTY THINGS ;)

The rectangle, square and circle shaped wafer dies is part of a shaped series. The interesting thing about these dies is that the stitches are on both sides of the cut line. That means, depending on which paper piece you pull from the cut, you will have stitches to the left or right of your cut line. You can also use a magnetic die cutting plate or washi tape to customize the width of your frame in order to achieve shaker box frames. If you do not separate the dies, you can create several frames with stitches on each side of your cut lines


Notice how Shari Carroll used the Stitched Rectangle dies together in the card above to create a frame that has stitched lines next to both cut lines!?  She used 2 dies together for this effect.  You can see how her inside rectangle has stitched lines too- she used just one die to create the single line of stitches on the inside rectangle.


Samantha works behind the scenes at Simon every day making sure that Simon products are well cared for.  She ensures each one is properly packaged, stocked, and lovingly shipped to paper artists around the world.  As an avid card maker, Sam was so excited when these new IN STITCHES products came, that she created the card above.  (See our Instagram for more fun information about Samantha ;)  I love how she used the NEW Screen Elements heart die to create a background board for her to lace a heart with S + K inside!  I spy a Stitched Rectangle too!


In the card above, Shari used a Stitched Circles die on 2 pieces of cardstock and placed them together.  The die left stitches on the inside of the circle shape of one piece of cardstock and left stitches on the other side of the circle on the other piece of cardstock.  She created the hill with Simon’s Stitched Slopes and Hills dies.  Don’t you just love Shari’s eye candy in the background too!

The compete release is called IN STITCHES and is shipping now!  The release includes 4 sets of dies and 1 stencil.  At just $99.99, for the complete set, we think this release is the perfect stitch for your stash!!

Please comment below and welcome Sam into the card making community.  She is going to randomly select 1 person to win a Simon Says Stamp Goody Bag filled with new Valentine products that will be releasing in December!  Thank you for taking time to join us today to celebrate the new release!!


Set “Shapes with Stitches”

Complete In STITCHES Release


Tiny Dots Stencil
Screen Elements Dies

Stitched Circles Wafer Dies
Stitched Rectangles Wafer Dies
Stitches Squares Wafer Dies

Thanks for reading today!

Image Map
  1. Sam – Where have you been??? Your card is super sweet! Hopefully it is for your honey :-)

    The new dies look amazing….hopefully I will have some left over cash from Christmas and will be able to purchase!

  2. A warm welcome to Sam, you did an awesome card. Cool new release and clever idea these doublesided stitched dies! Love Shari´s card too (as always). Thanks for showcasing them.

  3. Welcome Sam!!
    I can’t wait to see all the Genius works of arts that come from these dies!! I mean just look how gorgeous this kick off post is!!

  4. Welcome Sam! Wow! I love your projects! And this release is fabulous. I can’t wait to see some videos using these dies. And most of all, I can’t wait to get my hands on them!

  5. These look fabulous! For someone who can no longer do embroidery on fabric I would love to get hold of some of these! Gorgeous new dies and a stunning creation too Karen x

  6. OMG! The new stirched release inspired by Jennifer MCG…is incredible. leave it to a creative genius to come up with this! Samantha…welcome to the card making community…have you been hiding your talent from your bosses at Simon? Im glad you exposed it…you rock!

  7. Some wonderful dies in this series. I love the cards that were made using them. Thanks for sharing these ideas with us.

  8. Jennifer thinks of everything! The double stitched line is brilliant, two for one! And Sam, you card is wonderfull! Have you have been hiding your talents in the shipping room! i bet we will see more of your projects!

  9. Welcome Sam – thanks for sharing your talent with us! I love the look of stitched detailing, and I’m excited to see these new products which let you get that effect on both sides of the cut line – good stuff!

  10. Wow Samantha! What a great looking card. Love these new dies and what an awesome idea come to life from Jennifer McGuire. I can see myself get alot of mileage out of these.

  11. Trust Jennifer to come up with this brilliant set of dies! I wish they made a stitched die that would be the right size for photo mats also. Perhaps with a
    1/4 inch and a 1/2 inch border width for layering? I know, I know, we want it all!

  12. Sammie!

    I loooooooove (with double O’s) your creations! Can’t wait to get my little hands on those dies!!!

  13. I am so excited about these new double-stitched dies!!!!!! LOVED these samples!!! Can’t wait for Christmas because these are definitely going on my wish list!!!!

  14. Gorgeous cards… I picked up he rectangles but an thinking I also need the circles!! Welcome Sam!! Love your card!

  15. Genius idea to have stitches on both sides of the cut lines!!!! I love Sam’s embroidered initial’s on her card, just like carving them in a tree!

  16. What a fabulous release! These are some really neat dies, so many possibilities. I can not wait to try them.

  17. Welcome Sam, to our blog community and thank you for sharing your talents with us. I have always loved the stitch look, but cannot sew with a machine, so these new stitched dies are perfect for me.

  18. I love how the dies are stitched on both sides of the cut line–clever. Great card, Sam! Hope to see more of your work in the future.

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