Crafty Friends: You Can Only Find this HERE! + CLASS GIVEAWAY!


Hi readers! Happy Thursday! It’s time for ANOTHER exclusive! This time, we’re sharing a crafty collaboration from the always awesome Hero Arts! I love this set because everyone has Birthdays and it’s great to just have a really nice sentiment set on hand that you can get a lot of mileage out of…… TA DA!



Check out this sweet duo by the one and only Jennifer McGuire! We’re always thrilled to have this crafty SUPER STAR on our blog and today she’s sharing with us a couple of techniques in fun colors with these two cheery cards!

Enjoy & be sure to watch the video below!







Thanks for reading today, and thanks to Jennifer for being our wonderful guest!

Did you know Jennifer is co-teaching another class soon? That’s right, Online Card Classes will be teaching a Copic Markers for Card Makers class!

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Join Online Card Classes instructors Kristina Werner, Jennifer McGuire, Sandy Allnock, and friends for two and a half amazing weeks filled with Copic Markers, color, and inspiration! In Copic Markers for Card Makers  you’ll learn the ins and outs of navigating Copic’s numbering system. But that’s only the beginning! You’ll also learn how to add texture to images, play with light and shadow, many methods for blending… and even hide mistakes! With 35+ videos, loads of creative techniques and examples, free practice downloads, plus lots of helpful instruction along way, this class is just what you need to get started with Copics!

Comment on this post for a chance to WIN a spot in class! If you win but have already purchased a spot, you will be reimbursed.

The winner will be announced soon, good luck!!

Congrats! Blog Candy Winner!

From: Celebrating STAMPtember® with Avery Elle and Operation Write Home: Holly Denghel!

Please email Samantha ([email protected]) with your mailing address and the name of the blog you won from to claim your prize!

  1. Raised images are such fun to achieve, and you certainly made them POP on those lovely textured cards. Love that you used the Peerless WC in this project Jennifer. Your friends will love them!

  2. What a fantastic saying!! Crafters ARE the best friends :)
    Love the look of these cards – watercolors rock, textures rock, fantasticsaying – perfect trifecta!

  3. Very cute cards!! I would LOVE to win the Coloring with Copics class giveaway to learn how to use, blend, etc. Copics. Thanks!

  4. That JM is genius!!! She always knocks it out of the park with her gorgeous techniqued cards!!!! As for the Copic class……I’d love to win!!!!

  5. Love watching Jennifer’s videos. She is so talented and always has a great tip/technique to share! These trio of cards are beautiful! Thanks for the opportunity to win a spot in the copic class!

  6. What’s not to love about color and embossing with a great layout? Jennifer’s cards are wonderful. I have never worked with Copics before so the class would be a great boost.

  7. Beautiful cards! Would live to win a spot in this class – getting into copic coloring is on my list if things to accomplish!!

  8. Beautiful cards and a wonderful technique. I bought the Peerless Watercolors but haven’t had a chance to play with them yet. You make it look so easy :-)

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