With Sympathy Card


Hi bloggers! I’m pleased to be back this Sunday morning with a Simon favorite, the fabulous, Jess Larsen! Be sure to watch her video below to see how she made this pretty card!

From the designer:

Back in June, when Simon had their awesome Summer School event, I was so inspired by Shari Carroll’s card. She die cut some clouds from her card front and used patterned paper behind the die cut portion. The look was awesome and I couldn’t wait to try it out myself!


For today’s card, I grabbed the Paulina and Chrissy Butterfly dies both from Simon Says Stamp. Before I ran them through the Big Shot, I traced around them using my white gel pen. This is such an easy way to add a bit of detail and interest to a card!  After die-cutting them, I added some gradient grey chevron paper in the negative space. To embellish around the butterflies, I used Simon’s Flower Friends stamp and die set to create five little flowers. The flowers were stamped, using an assortment of Hero Arts Shadow Inks, while the leaves were all stamped using Hero Arts Mint Julep. This is such a pretty green! It’s soft, minty and pairs perfectly with pastel, summery colors. To finish everything off, I added some enamel dots from My Mind’s Eye.  To see everything come together, check out the start to finish video I created!

Watch the video:


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  1. What a beautiful sympathy card! I just love how the whole thing was put together! Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to see the video as it appears to be “private.”

  2. I didn’t realize that there matching dies for the stamp set. I will tune back in when the video is available.

  3. Very pretty card. Love the look of pp in the negative die cut. Thanks for the tip about tracing the die first. Video is still private.

  4. Very pretty card. I like the being able to change up the project with using different pattern paper behind the diecut.

  5. Oops — the video is marked private and can’t be viewed. I’ll check back later to see if that got fixed. I’d like to see more about how you made t this lovely card!

  6. I’ll be coming back later too, to watch the video – still says “private.” Love the beautiful way you used the die-cuts!

  7. Too bad we couldn’t see the video (marked private) but the card is lovely. her choice of patterned paper and colors is terrific.

  8. Beautiful card, perfect as a sympathy card, but could be used for any number of occasions. I’ll be back to see the “deets” when the link is fixed. I enjoy watching the creative process.

  9. Maybe it’s me but I don’t think “With Symphathy” works here. The card is lovely and very cheerful and a bit too playful, in my humble opinion, for the occasion. Symphathy cards are always a challenge and I admire your efforts just the same.

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