STAMPtember FRIDAY FEATURE with Wendy Vecchi
In celebration of STAMPtember, our dear friend Wendy Vecchi has agreed to create a video! We love Wendy’s Art Parts and her Stamps. The video shows some fun tips on using them together.
Terra (pictured with Wendy to the left) and I first met Wendy a few years ago on a cruise on which both she and Tim Holtz taught classes. Quite honestly, it was one of the best experiences of my life. Not only was it an opportunity to more intimately get to know these fabulous industry geniuses, but it was also a delightful way to rejuvenate our spirits. I had recently suffered a miscarriage and cruising with my best friend and professional partner, Terra, was just what the doctor ordered. Can you imagine adding a whole week of classes with Wendy Vecchi and Tim Holtz on top of that!? Yes folks, it was right up there in my memory bank with my wedding day and the birth of my children.
Wendy and Mister Rick (her husband) helped us to “Make Art”. We each made the most beautiful, creative, bulletin boards – mine hangs in my office today. Pictured here. By the way, Mister Rick and Wendy are master Black Jack players. (Stamping wasn’t our only form of entertainment on the big boat :) Mister Rick always had a big smile for us, but he was totally serious about helping us “Make Art”! Thank you Wendy AND Mister Rick!
Wendy has her own line of “Studio 490” Rubber stamps and art parts. Rumor has it she will be adding some more very exciting products to the industry very very soon! Art parts are blank kraft-colored, pre-cut pieces made from a superior quality composite material and are ready to alter. Much thicker than chipboard, these parts can be use to make art to keep or to make art to give away and the art will last a lifetime. The surface holds ink like a dream. They are strong, sturdy components and measure 1/8″ thick. Many of the art parts have complimentary stamps. Be sure to check out Wendy’s video to see how much fun you can have coordinating them!
To celebrate STAMPtember with Wendy, we have put all of her “Studio 490” art parts and rubber stamps on sale in our store: at 25% off until midnight EST Sunday Sept 18! No coupon codes needed! Top Secret: If you are a member of the Wendy Vecchi Yahoo group (click here to join), you might find even more specials available to you (hint…join and you can find out a delightful little secret :) Be sure to check out Wendy’s BLOG HERE. It’s a definite must read and always entertaining! Seriously GO CHECK IT OUT!
WANT TO WIN! ? Tell us your favorite art part set and one lucky winner will win the set of art parts with Wendy’s all time favorite art part in it. If you watched the video until the very end – you’ll see her fave. (It’s AWESOME!)
For more on Wendy, Stay tuned! We have secret behind the scenes footage of her studio and an interview with her to come on Sunday!
Big Rubber Stamping Hugs!
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