STAMPtember® Exclusive: Lawn Fawn


Hi readers! It’s the day all of the Lawn Fawn fans have been waiting for!! (that includes me :D) Welcome to Lawn Fawn STAMPtember® release day!! I have nothing but wonderful things to say about Lawn Fawn.  Kelly and Mike are as sweet and kind as they are intelligent and talented! We are so excited to be announcing our 2nd exclusive set with this fantastic company, and hope that this sweet mouse set touches your heart as much as it did mine!

Lawn Fawn is a small company from Southern California that specializes in crafting products (clear stamps, dies, paper & more) that are fun and lively. Lawn Fawn was started in 2010 when Kelly Marie combined forces with her husband Mike and friend Erica with a mission in mind – to bring smiles into the lives of crafters!!

Kelly Marie Alvarez’s love for crafting is at the heart Lawn Fawn. Her energetic personality brightens the life of everyone she meets! She enjoys spending her free time (when she can get it!) playing guitar, and relaxing with her husband Mike and their dog Daphne.

Mike Toy is a business guru and all around friendly guy. He works with his wife Kelly Marie on keeping the business side of Lawn Fawn neat and tidy. He likes playing video games, golf, or just about any other sport you can think of.

Erica Truex is a graphic designer and illustrator. She collaborates with Kelly Marie to create cute stamps and crafting goodies that are truly one of a kind. Erica enjoys yoga, drawing, and spending time with her husband Andy, daughter Sonia, and dog Geisel.

There are lots of other wonderful people who help keep Lawn Fawn running smoothly! And don’t forget to check out the amazing design team, who inspire the team every day.

Lawn Fawn is named after a plastic deer that Kelly Marie received as a 21st birthday present. She named him Francois the Lawn Fawn, and he became a good luck charm of sorts. When deciding on a name for the company Lawn Fawn just seemed perfect. It is cute, whimsical and quirky, just like us!

In addition to their blog and online shop, follow along with Lawn Fawn on  Twitter , Facebook and YouTube.


Kelly so graciously made an absolutely adorable card and matching gift box to celebrate this exclusive release and also made a video introducing the stamp and die set, as well as giving a full tutorial on how to make this adorable duo! Be sure to check it out. :)


Watch the video:

In addition to the Merry Christmouse stamp & die set, Kelly used the following supplies to complete this project:

Additional inspiration from fantastic designers:




Check out what other super talented designers have created using Lawn Fawn Products:

Chari Moss
Jenn Shurkus
Kristin Fiore
Nicole Gavaldon
Debby Hughes
Lorraine Aquilina
Lawn Fawn Blog

We love seeing what you are creating for STAMPtember.  Be sure to use hashtag #Stamptember on Social Media to share what you are making and be inspired by others.

Thanks for visiting today!  We hope you enjoy this new release!  In fact, tell us what you think below and you could win a $50 shopping spree to Simon Says Stamp’s One Stop Shop!

  1. I want these so much, it’s almost worth the international shipping! When are you going to get us foreingers the possibility to bank your order through Stamptember :D

  2. I loveloveLOVE Lawn Fawn and this is just too cute!! The sentiments crack me up and those mice are adorable… and there is a cheese treeee!! Ohgoodness, how awesome is that? Clue: SOOO awesome! ♥

  3. I love Lawn Fawn. Everything Kelly and the gang create is so adorable. They are definitely the kings of the punny sentiment too. This christmouse set is signature adorable Lawn Fawn.

  4. I absolutely love Lawn Fawn! This set is too cute! Wish I could get it but extunuating circumstances are stopping me! Thank you for the awesome inspiration!

    How ADORABLE it would be to send MERRY Christmouse wishes and cheesy greetings :)
    LOVE Kelly Marie’s card & box set (great tutorial, especially for the perfectly curved belly band), in fact EVERYONE’s cards are SO MUCH FUN – THANK YOU for the CHEESY Christmas Inspiration :) I definitely feel like starting my cards NOW and including some mousy CHEER!!!
    What do I think of this set? Apart from being ADORABLE, I think that with some creative stamping, it could be used for FUN & FABULOUS cards ALL-YEAR => LOVE IT ALL!!!

  6. Have one Lawn Fawn set and it is with mouse I wheelie like you…so these mice are super cute too and would love to try them :)

  7. I think Lawn Fawn is one of the best companies out there! Their stamps always produce a nice strong crisp image and the matching dies are always handy. Kelly ships to you in one day with very reasonable shipping charges. Love this new mice stuff, looks like Lawn Fawn . . .

  8. I SERIOUSLY love the sentiments included with this set and like Kelly said in the video, you could use that little mouse with the gift for birthdays as well and I plan to! I have my little bundle ordered because I wanted to make sure I got it before it was gone, gone, gone. YAY ME!!! Thanks SSS!! Happy STAMPtember!! :b

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