Simon Says Stamp Falling For You MEGA Blog Hop!


Hi friends! Welcome to the Simon Says Stamp Falling For You Blog Hop. We are busting at the seams with inspiration for you!  To top it off, EVERY SINGLE stop along the way is a chance to win a Mega prize package for you!  All you need to do is comment on the stops along the way to be eligible to win.   Winners will be drawn April 28.

Check out the inspiration below by Shari Carroll. Can you tell which products she used?

Please join us today for this MEGA blog hop where designers from around the world have brought these products to life to share with you.  The hop starts here on the Simon Says Stamp Blog and continues:

Thanks for joining us today!  We hope you have fun hop, hop hopping!!

  1. Simple and clean – and very nice! That’s how cardmaking can be done in minutes … if you’re aware about the know how ;) The FALLING HEARTS cling rubber stamps are so lovely and versatile für lots of projects!
    best wishes, Irmgard

  2. This is such a lovely clean and simple card. What a great release. I love the background stamps and stencils. Well, I love the stamps too. I love it all.

  3. Love everything about this release! The large rubber background stamps, the shapes used for the “falling” designs, and the stackable stencils!

  4. I can’t tell you how much I love this whole release. It is absolutely stunning. Well done SSS!

  5. I love love love this new release!!! Shari did a wonderful job with this card! She is so very talented!

  6. Fabulous card and amazing release!!! Love everything in it especially the sentimental circles stamps and dies, circle dots stencil and all the background stamps!!!

  7. I absolutely love this collection. I looked at every sight and am amazed at all the different things that can be done by your very creative bloggers. I was disappointed that for some reason I was unable to comment on some of my favorite sights. I am not sure why, but it seems that the blogspot blogsite will not recognize my name or my wordpress id. It is very confusing to a low-tech person, especially as some of the comment forms had my name or my wordpress id pre-filled in on the comment form. If you have any ideas about correcting this, I would love to hear them.

  8. Sorry, but I had to add one more. Please let Yoonsun Hur know how much I adored her use of color!!!! I was REALLY disappointed to not be able to comment on her blog site. (Not that the others were any less wonderful; I just felt a kindred spirit when I saw YH’s colors!) Thanks again.

  9. I love Shari’s card it’s so Gorgeous. Love the dimension and all of the different ways she used all of SSS awesome and grand goodies. Your release is jam packed with so many fabulous, fun & fantastic crafty goodness. Thanks for all your hard work putting these hops together. They are fun and the gals are all so talented and spread lots of creative inspiration. Thanks too for a chance for your amazing and generous giveaways. YOU so ROCK!!

    THIS Circle Addict is SUPER EXCITED :)
    Shari’s card is DELIGHTFUL – LOVE IT!!!
    … it looks like she has had SO MUCH FUN using the Lila’s Hearts, Falling Hearts, Diagonal Stripes & Tiny Alphabets Backgrounds stamps along with some fabulous dies too!!!
    Can’t wait to get hopping along and being even MORE INSPIRED!!!

  11. Delightful card, love all of the new stamps, stencils and dies…it is going to be very hard to choose! Love the Lila stamp set and circle sayings.

  12. Just starting the hop and am excited to see all the designers work. Shari’s is lovely with its muted colors and lots of use of the background stamps. Love the collection.

  13. I am absolutely in love with this entire collection! There isn’t a single item that I don’t want!!! Way to go SSS! And now I’m off to see the wonderful things that these very talented people create! That’s even more trouble because then every one of these items will end up in my cart!

  14. Wow, such inspiration. I love blog hops because I enjoy seeing how different people use the same materials to create unique works of art.

  15. Shari’s card is just lovely! Such soft, subtle colors. And this is truly an amazing release. SSS has done it once again! Love every single thing about this! : )

  16. I love the collection! It’s filled with some cute stamp set and I would be happy to give it a try! The card made with this collection is fantastic with all the layering to give dimensions! Love it!

  17. I am looking forward to this hop. Lot of great things in the release and I want to see what people did with them!

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