Simon Says Feature a Father or Man!
This week’s Simon Says Stamp Challenge is focused on Fathers and the important men in your life! Since Father’s Day is coming up (June 17th), this challenge is just the thing to help you get moving on making those cards…plus…there’s a possibility that you might win $50.00 to Simon Says Stamp!
Below, I’ve featured 3 of our Design Team members, but make sure to check out the Simon Says Stamp Challenge blog to see what the others have made! You can also check out the Designers’ blogs for more details and various updates! : ) And…if you are interested, there is a Design Team Call going on right now!
Thanks for reading! Join our following and leave a comment for a chance to win some 6 x 6 Bo Bunny sample papers from the new Camp-A-Lot, Little Miss, and Hello Sunshine Collections!!
Enjoy your day!
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