Mixed Media with Shari Carroll: Love You

Welcome everyone and happy Sunday!
My passion for crafting is most definitely papercraft. There is nothing more rewarding for me then to start with a blank canvas, be it cardstock or card base and create something appealing.
Lately, I’ve been inspired by quilling and wonder why I haven’t looked into it before. I love the idea of manipulating paper to form something beautiful. Would’nt this be perfect as a wedding gift?

I wanted to try my own thing with this paper technique and decided to use the Peony Bouquet stencil to get me going. Once I added ink to one of the blossoms through the stencil, I formed 1/4″ paper strips to follow the outlines of the flowers and leaves. The outside heart “wall” is formed from 1/2″ strips of paper.

I’ve kept the supplies easy and mainly used what I had on hand for my first try at this technique. I can’t wait to try another and improve my skills!
Thanks for stopping by today, I hope I’ve inspired you to try something new with your cardmaking supplies!
this is gorgeous
I love love these idea! What an ingenious way to use the stencil. Beyond beautiful!
This is absolutely stunning. Do you think that it would have been easier to put the heart outline on after the peony was completed? I am in awe that you even thought of doing this. Hats off to you Shari!
Inspired! Why didn’t I think of using inks behind the quilling? Brilliant.
WOW! Beautiful fantastic . Love it. Thank you for the great tips.
Wow! I’ve done quilling, but this is an amazing technique using the quilling style!! Thank you for sharing your idea. Gives me some inspiration to use this more modern style.
Absolutely Beautiful! Inspired.
This is so gorgeous!
So creative and absolutely beautiful.
Your detail work with the quilling is awesome. Great idea using the stenciled design as the base. Thanks for this inspiring creation.
Great job–this is stunning! I’ve not tried quilling, may have to give it a try.
What stunning, loving attention to detail. Just gorgeous!
What an absolutely beautiful project! It was so enjoyable watching you create it- your patience! I have dabbled in quilling a few times, but I love what you did with this stencil and using the strips of paper in a looser fashion to outline it!
Wow!!!! Absolutely Gorgeous!!!!
Shari, you are such an amazing artist and this project is stunning. I am always inspired by your creativity.
So beautiful! I love it
I was mesmerized watching you work on this gorgeous project! I was amazed that the glue you used held the edges of the quilled papers in place so easily. Must try this project.
Ah-mazing, Shari! Love this!
WOW, absolute fabulous Shari!
I’ve never seen this type of quilling, only the ones where you rolling and pinching the pieces of paper into different shapes. But this is so much eleganter.
Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful piece of art, you are such a great artist.
I just loved this video, Shari! The final product is gorgeous and it was interesting to see the quilling tool at work because this is a craft I’ve wondered about. I hope you will share more projects using quilled paper in the future! :)
Absolutely beautiful, Shari! Such a unique way to use a stencil and ink to make this work of art.
WOWZERS Awesome creation, hard to imagine this is your first quilling!
Absolutely gorgeous! What a wonderful piece of art..
Thanks for sharing.
Absolutely beautiful!!, love the clean look of this…so elegant!!
So pretty!
I like the idea to use the stencil as the design. The video makes this look very doable.
Wow – just gorgeous!!
I found the video very interesting! Beautiful idea!
Such a beautiful, clean design.
This is awesome. I have never ever seen quilling done like this. It is beautiful
Oh my goodness Shari this is gorgeous.
Flipping beautiful!
Another home run! Love it.
Total awesomeness!!!
wow – this is stunning – thanks for the ideas
Absolutely gorgeous! Such a beautiful project!
Wow! This project must have required a lot of patience but the results are stunning. What an interesting and creative way to use stencils. I absolutely love this project! Thanks for the inspiration!
Very beautiful. I would love to make one for my mother.
Breathtaking… I have some quilling supplies left over from a time when I was doing tea bags folding. It really is fun to manipulate the papers. I love this so much, really great!
Your patience and creativity are inspiring! This is stunning!
Wow! This is so gorgeous!!! Love the bit of color beneath the quilled shapes! This would definitely be perfect for a wedding gift!
This is real “Heart Art”. Fantastic idea and I love the clean and simple look.
This is just gorgeous
wow….. this is so beautiful and elegant ! thanks for sharing the tutorial video. I love it !
Oh My! This is absolutely gorgeous! I would have never thought to use a stencil and quilling like this. I can see so many possibilities. Thanks so much for sharing this with us.
A thing of such beauty, from such simple materials! Bravo, Sheri! Inspired!