Magnolia Love + A Special Sale

Magnolia Sale-02

Hi readers! Happy Saturday to you!  Today I’m very pleased to bring you some very stunning Magnolia inspiration from two incredible artists who just happen to also both be on our Wednesday Challenge team! Be sure to check out the talents of Mandy Stacey and Heather Gilfoy Bond each week!

Also, we have a very special, very limited time sale going on in celebration of STAMPtember®! Starting today, use code MAGNOLIA at checkout for 50% off all Magnolia branded items!

Now…. onto inspiration! Enjoy!


Created by Mandy Stacey



Created by Mandy Stacey




Thanks so much for reading today and thanks to Mandy & Heather for being our fabulous guests!

Blog Candy alert! Comment on this post for a chance to win some items from our STAMPtember® stash!


  1. Tilda and Angel the pony is so cute and it is colored it like my Palomino horse. I love these Tilda stamps used on all the cards. Mandy & Heather has done a great job.

  2. Mandy and Heather have such a way with this line of stamps! So pleased to see them being featured here today! Go teamies!!

  3. Stamptember Stash – sounds fabulous! This entire release has been fabulous! And the inspiring artists bring everything to life. . . BLOG CANDY indeed!

  4. Those magnolia stamps are really cute. Sad to admit I still don’t own any. Hopefully Stamptember will change that.

  5. I really adore these cards. Coloring is fabulous. Purely inspired me to create something this weekend. Thanks for sharing.

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