Happy Thanksgiving! We’re Giving Thanks for YOU!


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We hope you’re enjoying time with family and friends! Today, we’re giving thanks for YOU! Thank you!

The collage below are Thanksgiving appropriate cards that all used the Feast of Thanksgiving stamp and die set! You an get this set along with ALL of our Simon Brand releases* at 30% off retail for ONE DAY ONLY! Use code SIMONBRAND at checkout! These kind of sales don’t come around often, so be sure to check it out!


Happy Thanksgiving!

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Thanks for reading today! Comment below and tell us something or someone you’re thankful for, and you’ll be entered to win a $25 gift voucher to our store! 3 winners will be chosen next week! Good luck!

  1. Happy Thanksgiving! I’m thankful for my hubby, my daughter & my fur friend Daisy. Have been married to my wonderful hubby 33 yrs. My daughter is a talented college degree animator/sketcher and is doing free lance work for a company, Levitate, in CA while she lives here with us in Central TX. Enjoy my fur friend Daisy that I adopted in Aug 2014.
    “Sunshine HoneyBee”

  2. I am very thankful for my daughter. She is my love, my life and the reason I am the person I am today. Mommy loves you Kaitie!!

  3. Thank you for the chance to win a goodie! I’m thankful for my family, especially my dad and two of my brothers who have traveled across states to come to our home to celebrate Thanksgiving with my husband and two daughters and I. I’ve not had Thanksgiving with my side of the family in a very, very long time. It’s a little extra special. :)

  4. I am thankful for my family. Especially my little Grandkids-they make all of the holiday so much fun-active-but fun!! Thankful to SSS too for all of their giveaways & inspiration shared throughout the year!

  5. I’m thankful for all my fabulous creative American friends who celebrate thanksgiving on this day!
    Enjoy!! and be safe out there on your travels :D

  6. Happy Thanksgiving! I am very thankful for my Mom. She is 81 and has been having health issues for the past couple of years now – after being so very healthy! She says one day she was 79, the next she was 80 and it’s been tough ever since. She’s only 4 foot 8 inch 70 pounds, but she is the rock of our family. She was raised in foster care from age 10 & had a hard life. But she has always been the perfect mother. I am so very blessed to call her my mom.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving SSS! I’m thankful for my family (immediate and extended) – it’s been a trying year for us but we all stuck together to get through the trials and tribulations we were put through.

  8. I am thankful for family, friends, my health and my struggles-without them, I wouldn’t know how strong I am. That strength allows me to focus my prayers on those who need them most. Happy Thanksgiving.

  9. I am thankful for two wonderful up grown kids who are both married, have good jobs and own homes. We love hanging out with them.

  10. Happy thanksgiving! I am thankful for having a wonderfully supportive husband who let me drive 14 hours to take my mom to see her best friend for this holiday. I know that he doesn’t resent any of the choices I make and is uber happy to change holiday plans and celebrate when I get back. He is my best friend and I love that he always shows how much he cares.

  11. I am thankful for my health, husband and happiness. The dog fits in there somewhere as well. Also, thanks for the opportunity to win! Happy Thanksgiving to you . . .

  12. Thankful that my brother came all the way down to the Gulf Coast so we’re not completely without family this Thanksgiving!

  13. Thankful for the ability to create with all my stamps and supplies, and then make someone else smile when they get a handmade card!

  14. I’m thankful for my family, of course, and my little doggies. I am very thankful to be healthy. I had a brush with cancer this year, and I am fortunate to say that I am now cancer-free. Many thanks.

  15. i’m thankful for my cats, they’ve helped me overcome the deepest and darkest depression I faced 5 years ago, my cheeky twins bring me so much joy and laughter they have really shun a light where people weren’t able to connect or didnt want to

  16. Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for my family and friends. I am thankful to have my mom, she’s 94, she’s been a beacon of light for me and my best friend. I am also thankful for my husband and 4 sons who support me in all that I do. But most of all I am thankful for a loving and awesome God.

  17. Happy Thanksgiving! I’m thankful for my wonderful husband a beautiful daughter, although I’m sad this is the first Thanksgiving we aren’t together.

  18. Eternally grateful and thankful for my husband and the handsome boyz he helped me to create – truly the loves of my life!

  19. I am especially thankful for at my age, still having my Wonderful Mom in my life. She is 87 1/2 years old and still lives on her own, drives and is very independent. We just spent last weekend together at a scrapbooking retreat with my daughter and sister. Three generations enjoying the same interests. I am also thankful for the rest of my wonderful family and our continued good health and for the wonderful country that we all call home! Happy Thanksgiving!

  20. Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for my husband. We’ve been married 35 years and it just seems like yesterday! I am so blessed, so lucky, so gifted to have him and I know it every day — that in itself is a gift! I am so grateful!

  21. There are blessings everywhere I look! Today I’m thankful that my children and grandchildren will all be around our table celebrating God’s good gifts!

  22. I’m thankful for our general doctor/friend at the local Medical Centre who is always looking out for her patients. Thanks to her, my husband underwent heart surgery last year. She also insisted to do a full check-up after he had recovered, which is how we found out he had a tumor in his colon. Thankfully, we caught it in time and my husband should be OK after he finishes his chemotherapy in January.

  23. I am thankful for my cousin who is hosting Thanksgiving AND offered her oven to bake pies since our oven Quit working!

  24. I’m thankful for family and friends (both 2-legged & 4-legged!), health, and creativity. Happy Thanksgiving to y’all, and thanks for all the hard work that goes into running this blog :)

  25. I am so thankful for my kitty, Scrappy, and for being reunited with him after over two weeks apart while I was at the Mayo Clinic. This little guy is the BEST medicine I can have and I missed him so badly. Now it really is a Happy Thanksgiving.

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