Exploring Art Journaling 3: Class GIVEAWAY!


It is time for the next installment of Exploring Art Journaling 3: A Daily Dose of Inspiration!! In this class they are focusing on doodling flowers, along with a variety of mediums! They will be using their favorite mediums, such as acrylic paints, spray mists, and watercolors plus adding in some paint markers and Inktense Blocks and more!

Each day you will receive a journaling prompt and a creative prompt! As well, Christine has made stop-motion videos, once again, of her creating all of her pages! 30 days of fresh, new art journaling content! Although she is making art journaling pages, all of these techniques can be used on cards as well!

Classes start on April 1st!

We’re stoked to be giving away a spot in class to ONE LUCKY Simon Says Stamp Blog reader & follower! If you have already signed up for class, they will issue you a refund!

To enter to win a spot simply follow our blog via email and comment on this post!

Good luck & see you in class!

  1. Would totally enjoy this class. Exploring color, doodling and different media sounds like a real joy. Cheers!

  2. This class would be just perfect for me! I just purchased a sketchbook to try out a few art journaling techniques. I will say my doodling skills are a tad rusty but practice and good teachers make perfect!

  3. I love to make art journals, but is not good in doodling :). This looks fab class for doodling and some new techniques, would love to join something like this!! Thanks for chance.

  4. Oh I am your fan!!! I would like to win a spot in this fantastic class!!! looks amazing!!! thanks for this opportunity to win!!!

  5. Hi would love to do this class as it is something I want to learn. I would love to win this prize as I just cannot afford it any other way x
    Fingers crossed x

  6. It sure sound and look like an amazing class. I´ve never tryed it to be honest, as I´ve neer had the guts, so maybe it would be a great chance if to try it, if I won a spot there, and who knows, what it might lead to afterwards LOL. Thanks sooo very much for the chance.
    Have a great week-end everyone.

  7. Sounds absolutely fabulous. So awesome to be playing with so many products and techniques, and excited to see inktense also. I love the vibrant bold oh so pigmented colors inktense has, but I’ve barely used them so it will be great to get inspiration and instruction on them along with the inks, sprays, paints, embossing paste (another product I have and very under used) Just a fantastic time all around and really enjoy the interacting during classes like this. Good luck ladies “and me” :) :) on winning this awesome chance!

  8. I have just started journaling but often get stuck, so this would be a great class to do! Thanks for the chance to win :-)

  9. Thanks for the chance to win a spot in this class. Techniques are ones I have yet to try in an art journal format.

  10. Beautiful! I’ve never tried art journaling but would love an opportunity to do so. Thanks!

  11. I would absolutely love to take this class. I am new to art journaling but have started a Smash book and would love to learn more mixed media techniques to use in my art work. Thanks for such a super giveaway. Cheers and good luck to everyone!

  12. Although I’m not into art journaling, this class sounds like a lot of fun, especially after watching Christine’s introduction video. I would love to try my handl at those wonderful doodled flowers and all those different techniques. I’m sure they would work great to make some artsy cards as well. Thanks for the chance to win a spot in this class. Keeping my fingers crossed…

  13. I love art journaling—but I am still new at it! I would love to learn more—thanks for the chance!

  14. I really want to start art journaling, but don’t know how to start. Would LOVE to win this class.

  15. I LOVE online classes!! Thanks for letting me know about this one, even if I don’t win the spot, I must take this class! :)

  16. Wow this class looks fun!! I have been doing art journalling for a couple of months now and still have loads to learn so this class would be great for me so yeah i would love the chance to win the spot in the class, thanks :D
    hugs and xxx

  17. I haven’t tried this journal art yet but boy does it look like fun, and very free flowing!

  18. This looks like an amazing class. Thanks for the opportunity to participate.

  19. This is just the class I have been waiting for! My brand new water colour pencils may get to be used properly!!

  20. I’ve always admired those who can droodle,
    Would love to learn how to do it, it’s so decorative.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

    Hugs, kaia

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