

Hi readers! Happy Sunday to you!  I don’t know about you, but I’ve been noticing more and more Art Journaling in the crafty world! It seems like it is so freeing, lots of fun, & even therapeutic in a way.  You can craft at will, and throw worries of perfection away!  We love to share a monthly feature with Shari Carroll on our blog, but have decided to make it a weekend theme this month!  In keeping with the Art Journaling theme, we’re back today with a whole lot of COLOR and fun inspiration from Design Memory Craft designer Jennifer Matott!



This art journal page was inspired by COLOR!  I wanted to create with LOTS of colors.  Starting with randomly adding areas of Faber-Castell Design Memory Craft Gelatos® to the page, I added water with a brush to spread and mix some of the colors.  When dry, some circles of Gelatos® were added through the Circle stencil and smudged with my finger while the stencil was over the page.

Next,  I used the Faber-Castell Design Memory Craft Stamper’s Big Brush Pen in Black to a non-stick mat and added water.  Using a brush, I dripped the ink down the page from the top.  After that dried, I applied the gold paste through a harlequin stencil with a palette knife and then stamped the phrase and harlequin stamp.  Bling was added as a sparkly embellishment to this colorful journal!



Thanks for reading today, and thanks to Jen for being our awesome guest!

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  1. You make me want to get out my gelatos again! I love the gold embossing paste. I follow the blog by email.

  2. Following this blog by email is one of the best things that I think I’ve done recently. It gives me so much inspiration and today is no exception with this gorgeously colourful journal page. I actually have some Gelato sets on my wish list that I will have to try buying soon an play with them. Thanks for this magical inspiration!!!

  3. What a lovely and colorful journel page. I love the gold paste. Thanks Jen for sharing you’re lovely work.

  4. love the idea of art journaling, but the practical aspects of finding the time elude me. These pages look like fun!

  5. Love that gold embossing paste with those beautiful colors. Keep telling myself I need to start these journaling pages but time is always short in my schedule. One day I hope my life will slow down enough to enjoy doing some.

  6. I really liked her art journal. I will just have to let myself play. Thank you for sharing this with us.

  7. It always looks so beautiful when I see the art journals of other’s, but I know if I did it I would just end up with a big mess!

  8. Jen ALWAYS creates with EXCITING colors and textures!!!
    BEAUTIFUL pages, LOVE the words of wisdom, LOVE the gold paste, a GORGEOUS contrast to the FABULOUS Gelatos :)

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