Call for Cards: Thank You!
Hi readers! First of all, to those that have already sent many of their BEAUTIFUL cards for us to send back out to our community for special occasions let me send out a big HEART FELT thank you!! We so appreciate it, as we are confident, the recipients do! To those of you who are not familiar with this call and even those that are, allow me to remind you that we are definitely still accepting cards, and plan to do another Call for Cards Spotlight soon! Did you miss our first call for cards spotlight? Click on the link to see it!
Here’s a sampling from the first spotlight:
Every day we are inspired by the cards you have created and we would like if you joined in our call for cards. We are continuing to host a mail call for your handmade greeting cards! If you are interested, please send us your latest works making sure to include your name and address with your card. It would be lovely if you could add your email address onto a slip of paper in your parcel.
Since we will be mailing your cards to fellow crafters often, we encourage you to stamp your name and blog info on the back of your cards. We will showcase and share some of your gifted cards on our blog!
If you have handmade cards you’d like us to help share, please mail to:
Simon Says Stamp
44 Lazelle Drive
Columbus OH 43235
Thank you so much for your support! We are very lucky to be in such a caring industry and appreciate all you do to keep our community alive!
Fun to see what others have mailed in.
“Sunshine HoneyBee”
Perfect opportunity/excuse for having fun creating new cards:) LOL
A local woman inspired me with her gift to nursing home residents of cards. So many want to send cards but don’t have access to get them.
I enjoy seeing the cards that others have made and it inspires me to sit down and create, or should I say, try to create.. Thanks for sharing.
Linda D.
Hi Stephanie,
I do have serial of my cards I’ve made for various hops and challenges I’d love to share with you. Do you need envelopes as well?
I applied for the tester or reviewer crafters that was posted on Facebook and emailed my info. Hope to get the call soon.
I’ll get you these cards just as soon as I can.
Have a great day!
Tracy Lustick
I was unaware of this but will be getting a package of cards together for you and hope to get it mailed in the next week or so!! Thank you for the opportunity!
Have to add that I am quite excited about STAMPtember! I emailed my info to you in response to the FB call for testers and am really hoping to get a response!! Fingers crossed!
What a generous and fun idea! I will go back and read your first post, like do we need to include an envelope with each card? ♥
What a lovely way to share our work :)
i would, can i send them without envelopes to help save postage from the netherlands?
I love making cards. Being able to share them with others is a bonus!
I need to do this card drive. I have a few that I could donate