A Peek Behind the Scenes at Simon Says Stamp and a Bit About Our Family :)

Hi friends!

Many of you have asked about our story.  With our dog Simon sick, and him being the namesake, the logo, and a big personality at the forefront of our company, we just knew this summer was the time to work on sharing our story with you.   In order to share our story with you, we worked with a wonderful company, IPSO, to bring it to life through a video.

Sharing this video with you is bittersweet.  I adopted Simon as a very little puppy with one bent ear over 14 years ago.  I knew him before I met my husband and before my kiddos came to this world.  I knew Simon as my pup before I started the business Simon Says Stamp (and named it in his honor).  Simon has always been a HUGE part of our lives.  He would sleep in my bed, follow me around the house, lie next to me as I crafted, folded laundry, and worked on the computer, shadow my kids around our yard, and often come to the office with me. With Simon always wanting to be near us, we find him in the background (and foreground!) of many of our pictures.  He was a kind, quiet, loyal, sweet and loving little guy.

It’s with a deeply heavy heart that I am sharing with you:  Simon recently passed away.  He had been sick the last few months, and his sickness created a sense of urgency to film this video. As hard as it was to put ourselves on camera….I am so glad we did.  I think many of you can relate.  In the moment, the process of sharing our story might be hard.  But, our stories are our lives.  Documenting our stories through pictures and videos gives us something that we can look back on later to remind us of the joys and happy moments that make up our life.

This is a great opportunity for us to share pieces of who we are, and what we do, with YOU.  We are grateful to share this journey with you and are so so grateful for your support along the way.  We wouldn’t be here without YOU.  You’ll even see typical moments with our pup, Simon, in the office captured in the video.

Special thanks to our friend Jennifer McGuire for introducing us to the fabulous team at IPSO and encouraging us to tell our story.

THANK YOU for being here to listen.

Much love,

Heidi and the Simon Says Stamp Family.

Heidi Crowl
Founder of Simon Says Stamp. Crazy in Love with my hubby and life partner, Mommy of two fun(ny) kiddos, forever mom to our pup Simon who sadly passed over the Rainbow bridge, and a new mom to our family protector German Shepherd. Lover of all things art, craft, and stamp related. Goofball at heart.
  1. So sorry for your loss. Funny, how small little animals can take up such big places in our hearts. I know that this is possibly the worst time of year to have something like this happen (ug, like there’s ever a good time). Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. So sorry for the loss of Simon. You and your family have many wonderful memories of Simon and I hope that helps in the months to come.

  3. Thank you for your dedication to crafter’s everywhere!
    Your blog is invaluable to me.
    So sad to hear about your dog, but his name will live on through your business.
    I am sure you will miss him terribly.

  4. I am so sorry that you have lost your good buddy, Simon. As a dog owner, I know the special place he held in your heart. I know how much you will miss his little footsteps following you around. I know you will miss being greeted by him when you return home. But I hope that the wonderful memories of Simon will warm your heart in the months and years to come, as you remember all the joy he brought to you. He was a very lucky dog to be so loved and well taken care of. You gave him the best life he could possibly have!

  5. I’m so very sorry to hear of your loss of Simon. I’ve often wondered about him and have loved associating my box of goodies with the cute little dog on your logo. It’s so hard to lose your lifetime friend…been there, done that….so my heart goes out to you. Loved your video about your company and a chance to see behind the scenes…thanks for sharing and my very best to you…I’m hopeful you will find your Simon II sometime in the future…it will help some.

  6. Dear Heidi and SSS Family,
    This post makes me so sad. I had the privilege of meeting Simon and getting a picture taken with him while attending the first CREATE event in May 2014. Our four-legged fur babies are loyal and faithful members of the family and the loss is real and heartbreaking. I know Simon was loved and cared for by the best and he will be so missed. I will always treasure my photo taken with this special little guy. Prayers for you all during this difficult time.

  7. So very sorry to hear about your sweet boy. I know how difficult it was to lose him. But Simon will live on in your hearts and your memories. And we will remember him every time we log on to your blog and the store site. Now he is running around in puppy heaven pain free and well.

    Elaine Allen

  8. That’s a great video! I love seeing your story and getting a glimpse into your business and your “why”.

    I’m soooo sorry for your loss. We lost our beagle this summer in a tragic accident. It’s just hard. I still miss her.

    Happy Holidays!

  9. I’m so sorry for your loss. We, too, had to put to sleep our only family’s pet a week and a half ago. Our Simba was the sweetest, most loving shitzu you ever met and would have turned 14 next week. It’s hard to see him everywhere and remind yourself he’s not there. I hope all your great memories help during this holiday season.

  10. I’m deeply sorry about the loss of your little Simon. I know how hard it is to lose a pet. We lost one of our dogs over a year ago and I still miss her every day. Cherish all the happy memories you have of Simon.

  11. So very very sorry to hear about Simon. Our pets are part of our family & bless our lives with unconditional love. They by far do more for us than we could ever do for them. Thank you for sharing your story & memories.

  12. So sad to know the little guy has passed. Hold tight to each other, God will take care of the rest. Rest in Peace Simon.

  13. Being the animal lover I am, I think I get more excited to see the Simon logo on my packaging than I do to actually get the items, lol! Hearing of Simon’s passing will make me cherish this logo even more than I already do! I am so sorry for your loss! While I never met Simon, I can certainly relate to the inspiration our pets give us daily and as well can relate to the devastating loss when they cross over the Rainbow Bridge. I will be keeping you and the entire Simon Says Stamp family in my prayers!

  14. I can so relate to your Simon being such an integral and meaningful part of everything in your lives, as my dogs, Biscuit (almost 15) and Bandito (3), are for me and my hubby. My heart goes out to you all. Hugs and prayers and blessings, Kristina

  15. I’m so sorry for your loss and know that he had been such an important member of your family. Blessings to you and your family as you come to terms with your loss!

  16. Such a wonderful story! I just discovered Simon Says Stamp this year and I love this company! Thank you for sharing your story and the pics of your furbaby Simon . <3

  17. Even if I consider myself more a cat person than a dog lover, I’m very sorry for your loss. but remembering him means that he isn’t real gone.

  18. I can only imagine how difficult it was for you to film this. Love seeing the snippets of Simon, and I’m so sorry for your loss. Simon’s legacy will live on through the company for years to come. Thank you for sharing this video with us. Hugs!

  19. You have my deepest sympathy, thoughts, and prayers for the loss of Simon. Loosing the four-legged members of our family were some of the saddest moments in my life. But his memory will stay with you always and be a part of your life forever. Thank you for the story and for all the hard work in delivering happiness to my doorstep.

  20. It’s so hard to lose our
    fur babies. So glad you
    have your photos of him
    and your memories.
    Merry Christmas to all.
    Carla from Utah

  21. I’m saddened to hear that Simon crossed the rainbow bridge. His legacy will live on in your company name and he will be in the hearts of all who were blessed to know him.

    Thank you for sharing. Wishing everyone at Simon Says Stamp a very merry Christmas and a joyous 2016.

  22. Teary eyed for you. Why am I more sad to hear about a pet passing; probably because they do not understand. I feel your pain and wish the best for you; so very hard to lose a pet!

  23. My heart is aching for your family. I am sobbing right now for the heartache I know you feel that your fur baby has went to heaven and you wish he was here and well with you. We all have our own story but for those who have not experienced a love FOR a fur baby is nothing compared to the love FROM our fur babies. So may God bless you and your family and team in the future of healing that it takes, Simon may be gone to a world of joy and never will he face a moment of pain but Simon will never be forgotten. Just know that you were amazing for all you did for Simon, all animals wish they had some one so loving to care at all. God bless you and yours and know you will see your lil Simon again one day.

  24. I am so sorry for the loss of your furry child Simon. We lost a 4 year old English bulldog this year and I still miss him greatly. May the happy memories ease your pain. I love your company!

  25. so very sorry about Simon’s passing….
    all of your memories of him will bringers…but they will also bring smiles..
    to share your life with a wonderful pet is a gift…
    Simon was your gift…
    Thanks for the peek into your story…
    wishing you good and wonderful things….always.

  26. So very sorry to hear about the loss of Simon. What a perky little guy he was in your photos and in your absolutely wonderful video. So glad you shared him with us. Simon will live on in the hearts and thoughts of you and of your hundreds of thousands of customers.
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  27. Oh, Heidi, I am so sorry for your loss! My heart sincerely goes out to you. You see, our 14-yr-old little beagle girl, Angel, passed away Nov. 28th and my heart still hurts. She was my surrogate ‘kid’ as she came to us after our kids were all grown and living on their own. Just like your little Simon, Angel was my constant companion who was always there to put a smile on my face. It almost doesn’t seem fair that dogs have such a short life span. Perhaps it’s to teach us to be thankful for every single day, and also help us to understand and deal with grief, for our beloved pets are truly family members who touch our lives as deeply as any human can. I am comforted by knowing that Angel is once again able to run like the wind at the Rainbow Bridge. I hope Angel finds Simon and shows him where to find the really big bones. Hugs to you, Heidi.

  28. Sorry for your loss, Thank you for sharing !
    It is so cool to order from you and have it arrive in such a timely manner ( you understand a crafters heart) :)
    Thank you for bring there for us…

  29. I am so sorry to hear about Simon’s passing. My husband and I have had over 20 fur babies together and each one has given us so much love. Each loss was devastating. I feel your pain.

  30. Tears!! I am so deeply sorry for your loss. You gave him a great life, and he is watching over you from heaven. What a great namesake.

  31. Gosh, thank you so much for sharing Simon with us. What a special and touching story, so sorry that you are missing your friend. May you find peace this Christmas season.

    We are animal lovers and know that special bond that is shared with your fur babies.
    Hugs to you all!

  32. Sorry to hear about Simon. It is so hard to let them go but we never want them to suffer. I am always grateful for the company of my furry friends.

  33. Great video and so nice for us all to see Simon himself. Watching this must be bittersweet for you when he’s left such a big whole in your lives. It’s so hard to lose a member of the family but this is a fantastic tribute to him and it’s clear he was much loved and will be missed by all of you.

  34. So sorry to hear about Simon’s passing. The death of any animal is hard. Praying in time you may want to get Simon#2 to carry on in your office and home. Blessings on you and your family!

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