Crafters For a Cause: Hurricane Relief
Many people in our world have been affected by the recent hurricanes. First Harvey, then Irma, and more recently Maria have caused massive devastation to countless communities in Texas, Florida, the Caribean Islands, and Puerto Rico.
Crafters within our community have come together to make a difference by helping those in need. Many brands have donated product and designers have made cards of gratitude. Jennifer McGuire and many Simon Says Stamp friends, teammates, and family members have joined together to assemble those products into boxes which we are giving away to those of you who are able to make a donation through our website.
If you are interested in purchasing a box of goods, please know that 100% of the cost of the box will be sent to help those in dire need of Hurricane Relief.
$50 donations receive a box of craft supplies
We have packaged the products so that each box has a retail value of approximately double that of your donation amount.
Make a donation through this purchase and 100% will be donated to Hurricane Relief. You will receive a box of craft supplies donated by our generous vendors to support this campaign. The retail value of this box is approximately double its purchase price and includes random, yet new, supplies. There will not be duplicates inside your box, yet if you purchase 2 boxes there is a small chance that some product will be duplicated.
It is our intent to raise money for the people devastated by these disastrous hurricanes and to distribute what we collect to individuals or institutions who can have the maximum impact on recovery. We will be donating directly to families in need or to organizations with minimum overhead costs.
Please understand that we want to maximize the benefit of all donations, as well as to demonstrate both kindness and compassion which we all believe makes the world a much better place. We want the long term legacy of this tragedy to be about the recovery – not the damage.
So let’s come together to help those in need. It is our intention to inspire many others to give. 100% of the funds raised through the Crafters for a Cause Hurricane Relief program will be donated to those impacted by these hurricanes.
There are also many reputable organizations through whom you can donate.
Information kindly provided by Jennifer McGuire:
Here are some trustworthy places where 100% gets to the people in the islands who need it BADLY.
** Richard Branson’s effort – he is covering overhead costs:
** Kenny Chesney’s effort – he is covering overhead costs:
** This also lists some good ones: https://bvirelief.com/donate-money/
Some of the brands who have donated product for the donation boxes include but are not limited to:
Altenew |
Avery Elle |
Concord & 9th |
Doodlebug |
Gina K Designs |
Hero Arts |
Impression Obsession |
KB Riley |
La La Land Crafts |
Lawn Fawn |
Mama Elephant |
Memory Box |
Neat & Tangled |
Newton’s Nook Designs |
Pink and Main |
Pinkfresh Studio |
Pretty Pink Posh |
Prickley Pear |
Ranger |
Reverse Confetti |
Riley and Company |
Sizzix |
Spellbinders |
Stampers Anonymous |
Studio Katia |
Therm O Web |
Tim Holtz |
Two-Lips |
Waffle Flower |
Wow! |
WPlus9 |